Patrick Watts

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Monthly Archives: May 2020

“The Americans expecially have that terrible black shadow behind them. It’s as if they made a pure-culture (Reinkultur) of all their good qualities, which they bring out into the open, and so you think the person is a hundred percent pure gold.” – Carl Jung, My Mother and I. Pg. 245

These are the nine traits that comprised “the researchers” D-factor:

– Egoism. The excessive concern with one’s own pleasure or advantage at the expense of community well-being.

– Machiavellianism. Manipulativeness, callous affect and strategic-calculating orientation.

– Moral Disengagement. A generalized cognitive orientation to the world that differentiates individuals’ thinking in a way that powerfully affects unethical behavior.

– Narcissism. An all-consuming motive for ego reinforcement.

– Psychological Entitlement. A stable and pervasive sense that one deserves more and is entitled to more than others.

– Psychopathy. Deficits in affect, callousness, self-control and impulsivity.

– Sadism. Intentionally inflicting physical, sexual or psychological pain or suffering on others in order to assert power and dominance or for pleasure and enjoyment.

– Self-Interest. The pursuit of gains in socially valued domains, including material goods, social status, recognition, academic or occupational achievement and happiness.

– Spitefulness. A preference that would harm another but that would also entail harm to oneself. This harm could be social, financial, physical or an inconvenience.

The Dark Core Scale

1. It is hard to get ahead without cutting corners here and there.

2. I like to use clever manipulation to get my way.

3. People who get mistreated have usually done something to bring it on themselves.

4. I know that I am special because everyone keeps telling me so.

5. I honestly feel I’m just more deserving than others.

6. I’ll say anything to get what I want.

7. Hurting people would be exciting.

8. I try to make sure others know about my successes.

9. It is sometimes worth a little suffering on my part to see others receive the punishment they deserve.

loaded questions

Loaded questions are accusatory, defamatory, presumptuous, etc. “Did you see what you just did?” or…. “Why do you look so weak?” “Why are you such a chicken?” A loaded question will have a built in assumption or conclusion. Loaded questions are a favorite tool of bullies. When someone asks you a loaded question, the only way to answer is with a better question, “Why does one rely on loaded questions?”  The answer is: hypocrisy and character-deficiency.  A psychotherapist who tries to pull a loaded question on you (to shame you) has disqualified herself from the job she was supposed to be doing and deserves to be ignored/dumped.  Find someone who doesn’t rely on hypocritical, self-defeating tactics.

Another loaded question that these smug professionals will pull on you, “You’re STILL doing that? or, You’re STILL stuck on that?” Here’s a good reply to this one: “You’re STILL a psychiatrist? or You’re STILL working for a bank? + You’re STILL trying to defraud and embarrass your neighbor? + You’re STILL not capable of doing something worthwhile with your life?” Not sorry.

To all the bullshitters:

Thanks for showing me who I don’t want to be.



“The hoodlum-occultist is “sociopathic” enough to, see through the conventional charade, the social mythology of his species. “They’re all sheep,” he thinks. “Marks. Suckers. Waiting to be fleeced.” He has enough contact with some more-or-less genuine occult tradition to know a few of the gimmicks by which “social consciousness,” normally conditioned consciousness, can be suspended. He is thus able to utilize mental brutality in place of the simple physical brutality of the ordinary hooligan.
He is quite powerless against those who realize that he is actually a stupid liar.
He is stupid because spending your life terrorizing and exploiting your inferiors is a dumb and boring existence for anyone with more than five billion brain cells. Can you imagine Beethoven ignoring the heavenly choirs his right lobe could hear just to pound on the wall and annoy the neighbors? Gödel pushing aside his sublime mathematics to go out and cheat at cards? Van Gogh deserting his easel to scrawl nasty caricatures in the men’s toilet? Mental evil is always the stupidest evil because the mind itself is not a weapon but a potential paradise.
Every kind of malice is a stupidity, but occult malice is stupidest of all. To the extent that the mindwarper is not 100 percent charlatan through-and-through (and most of them are), to the extent that he has picked up some real occult lore somewhere, his use of it for malicious purposes is like using Shakespeare’s sonnets for toilet tissue or picking up a Picasso miniature to drive nails. Everybody who has advanced beyond the barbarian stage of evolution can see how pre-human such acts are, except the person doing them.
Genuine occult initiation confers “the philosopher’s stone,” “the gold of the wise” and “the elixir of life,” all of which are metaphors for the capacity to greet life with the bravery and love and gusto that it deserves. By throwing this away to indulge in spite, malice and the small pleasure of bullying the credulous, the mindwarper proves himself a fool and a dolt.
And the psychic terrorist, besides being a jerk, is always a liar and a fraud. Healing is easier (and more fun) than cursing, to begin with, and cursing usually backfires or misfires. The mindwarper doesn’t want you to know that. He wants you to think he’s omnipotent.”
― Robert Anton Wilson

the pale criminal

This spectacle recalls the figure of what Nietzsche so aptly calls the “pale criminal,” who in reality shows all the signs of hysteria. He simply will not and cannot admit that he is what he is; he cannot endure his own guilt, just as he could not help incurring it. He will stoop to every kind of self-deception if only he can escape the sight of himself. It is true that this happens everywhere, but nowhere does it appear to be such a national characteristic as in Germany. I am by no means the first to have been struck by the inferiority feelings of the Germans. What did Goethe, Heine, and Nietzsche have to say about their countrymen? A feeling of inferiority does not in the least mean that it is unjustified. Only, the inferiority does not refer to that side of the personality, or to the function, in which it visibly appears, but to an inferiority which none the less really exists even though only dimly suspected. This condition can easily lead to an hysterical dissociation of the personality, which consists essentially in one hand not knowing what the other is doing, in wanting to jump over one’s own shadow, and in looking for everything dark, inferior, and culpable in others. Hence the hysteric always complains of being surrounded by people who are incapable of appreciating him and who are activated only by bad motives; by inferior mischief-makers, a crowd of sub-men who should be exterminated neck and crop so that the Superman can live on his high level of perfection. The very fact that his thinking and feeling proceed along these lines is clear proof of inferiority in action. Therefore all hysterical people are compelled to torment others, because they are unwilling to hurt themselvesby admitting their own inferiority. But since nobody can jump out of his skin and be rid of himself, they stand in their own way everywhere as their own evil spirit—and that is what we call an hysterical neurosis.“ ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 417


“As distinct from wrongful imprisonment, commitment not only robs the “patient” of her freedom, but also of her status, her credibility, and her very humanity. No one doubts that there are intelligent, competent people in prison. Get tagged with the epithet “crazy,” however, and people refuse to believe anything you say. The only thing scarier than losing your mind is everyone else believing you’ve lost it. There’s precedent for the use of psychiatry as a weapon against political dissent. The Soviet Union classified Party disloyalty as a mental illness, and Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and the father of American psychiatry, identified opposition to the American revolution, as well as excess zeal for liberty, as forms of insanity. If there’s no way to tell the difference between a delusion and a misapprehension, how can we justify using delusion as a criterion for taking away people’s freedom?” (Logan Albright)



minding your own business

People who don’t like to be alone and need lots of words and talking and feel compelled to wander over to the neighbor to get some play time…… it’s a huge effort for them to mind their own business. It’s kind of like the effort it takes to quit smoking. It’s difficult to do nothing, right? The thing that takes no effort is harassing your neighbor because you’re curious, bored, malicious, greedy, avaricious, whatever it is that’s driving you. There’s no doubt that minding your own business takes a huge effort for those who like to be busy nosing and thumbing their way into another family or house.


A mother was beating her child, and there were painful cries. The mother was very angry, and while she was beating she was talking to it violently. When presently we came back she was caressing the child hugging as though she would squeeze the life out of it. She had tears in her eyes. The child was rather bewildered, but was smiling up at the mother.

Love is a strange thing, and how easily we lose the warm flame of it ! The flame is lost, and the smoke remains. The smoke fills our heart and minds, and our days are spent in tears and bitterness. The song is forgotten, and the words have lost their meaning; the perfume has gone, and our hands are empty. We never know how to keep the flame clear of smoke, and the smoke always smothers the flame.

But love is not of the mind, it is not in the net of thought, it cannot be sought out, cultivated, cherished; it is there when the mind is silent and THE HEART IS EMPTY OF THE THINGS OF THE MIND.

— Commentaries on Living, II Series, Chapter 10.

U.O.C. Unconscious-Organized crime

U.O.C. Unconscious-Organized crime, …. each member convinces the other that the means justify the ends. The means of course being: the group targets a particular person as “not important”, insignificant, or dangerous, irrelevant, bad, weak, inadequate, not sound of mind, infected, a nobody, etc. hence, the group proceeds to use forms, written paper with orders, the orders used to remove the target from the property and taking their stuff *extreme cases. Less extreme, it might not involve completely losing the house or possessions. The police do the bidding of these busy body, bureaucratic paper pushers, land sharks, property thieves. These bureaucratic-government professionals regard “Good” as power/strength, and “Bad” is regarded as weakness, folly, flakiness, sickness, and unreliability. Kindness is completely forgotten, or the kindness is defined as “for your own good” or “for the greater good”. Government + Banking + Psychiatry = EVIL. They don’t see it that way. If they were to see it as bad, they would quit their jobs, and some of them do. There appears to be a dishonesty that does not realize it’s dishonest, a liar who does not realize he is lying. A badness that does not see itself as bad, rather, is proud of whatever system it is that they’ve pledged loyalty to. Mankind, at it’s most base, loves the power it feels in the group, strength in numbers, and hence they celebrate and get-behind the Goodness of the great white shark, or the goodness of a Wolf, crocodile, tiger, as it’s the strength, greatness and power that one often longs for. As for what’s bad? Often it’s the blunder of some kind, perceived or imagined.

political murder

Companies such as Nestle, Coca-Cola, IBM, Chase Bank, Standard Oil, and many others maintained relations with Nazi Germany throughout World War II, proving beyond doubt the existence of the sociopathic corporate psyche that places profits before people. How much more evidence do you need to understand that corporatiions don’t care about humanity and our planet and shouldn’t be given rights to shape public policies?