Patrick Watts

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the occult

Magic attracts broken people. And it can break people. How many people do you know involved in the occult have themselves together? Not too many. Reject it all. Reject all the superstition, reject all the mystical ideas – despite it has a reality. Something like Chi occurs, something like telepathy occurs, these are models of reality.

Things get hazy in the personal reality tunnel. What happens? Obnoxious charlatans, and pricks and cunts will try to own you. They are cult leaders. These are not good people. They are not people who have overcome their own issues, their own greed, lust and ego.

They are children. Little tyrants. Little toddlers who want to use people like things. They are like kids playing with their action figures. These people must be thoroughly rejected, and their suggestions rejected as well. Your experience of spirituality should be as unique to you as your own thumb-print.

Scientific Truth & Skepticism

It’s become conventional wisdom to believe only in scientific truth.  Just the other day I heard someone say: “Any theory that does not make falsifiable predictions is not worth holding with vigour. It’s the obscure nature of theology and it’s claims that allows it to escape scientific scrutiny. This gives the illusion of robustness, but really it is a sign that the ideas are not worth considering seriously, because there is no way to ascertain whether they draw real correlations or not.”

I don’t hold scientific theories with vigour because I understand all theories to be as much creations as they are discovery. If I repeatedly experience phenomena that fall under the category of occult or esoteric, then the logical thing is to honour those experiences for what they are. These are appearances that must logically connect to the more mundane appearances. The ultimate discovery is beyond scientific modelling, it is the fruit of reason and courage.

Scientific truth is most attractive in it’s ability to provide the illusion of control and the illusion of an explanation.  

The disrespect we see towards mysticism and shamanism is that the group is not be able to make controlled use of the esoteric/occult and shamanic perspectives. These  realities have application only for the individual, and he cannot prove what is beyond control.

Laboratory science is based on controlled, finite conditions. Living is not contained to the finite, and there is no absolute control, there cannot be. (Ray Kurzweil will most certainly try, though).

What I refer to is as much Art as knowledge. With technology elevating the species into unprecedented leisure, the next revolution will be a creative one. Humanity will discover that creative consciousness is beyond the finite brain, it is beyond control, cannot be controlled, and is not an act of will.

I can only explain this in analytic polarities.

The individual finds his relation to the universe beyond the parents, beyond the wife, beyond the children, beyond the audience. He relates himself to what is total, and this includes both sensory phenomena, empirical, mythological, mathematical, and analytic thought. The attempt to do this goes against everything in society. If he can undergo the process I’m pointing to (it is a process that generally involves great terror and suffering) then he is in a position to be a vehicle of pure consciousness. It is merely a matter of watching, waiting and responding to what is given. No credit goes to the finite.

Personally, I am tainted with attachments, and there have been and will be greater and more interesting efforts than my own.